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Having achieved a good position in most of the product categories it is involved in, URJA increasingly looks to International business to power its growth volumes. Over the years, URJAs Transformers have been exported to over many countries worldwide. URJA is exporter of power transformers and is aggressively pursuing export opportunities for all its product categories. The company's advantages of low production cost and high engineering quality makes its products an attractive choice and URJA is increasingly considered as an ideal source for transformers.
Today, URJAs international operations are spread over all the continents in the world and its overall exports registered a commendable growth.
Experience & Strength : URJA is a major supplier to utilities, multinationals, and are empanelled with local and international consultants. Exported to over 25 countries including Canada, UK and some leading Asian and African nations, URJA brings in many years of experience in the design, development and production of a wide range of transformers. It derives special strength in customizing solutions and this has been instrumental in URJA occupying a niche position in the industry today. URJAs Service Department retains engineering information on many types of transformers manufactured by its constituent companies and with the technical support of the Engineering group can offer a repair on any brand of transformer either in the factory or using the off-site investigation facility. Maintenance contracts offer inspection, survey and maintenance of transformers and tap changers, supply spare parts, replacement of components with modern equivalents and leasing.
Contact Us
Urja Techniques (India) Pvt. Ltd.
Pradeep Dixit
R - 653, T.T.C. Industrial Area, MIDC Industrial Area, Rabale, Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra - 400701, India
Phone : +91-22-24150505
Mobile : +91-9820081474, +91-9819310606
Web Page : https://www.exportersindia.com/urjatec
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